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General news

General news
As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout begins in Australia, we have been monitoring cases of vaccine program fraud across the globe to learn how fraudsters are taking advantage and how they have been stopped. Here’s a snapshot of the some of the scams we’ve seen.
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General news
Between January and June 2021, we are running tailored counter fraud narrative workshops to help individual Commonwealth entities craft their counter fraud narrative.
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General news
During International Fraud Awareness Week (15-20 November 2020), we ran five capability building webinars to help Commonwealth entities strengthen their counter fraud knowledge and expertise.
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General news
Discover how the UK Government has rapidly deployed new data pilots to combat fraud against COVID-19 support measures. Learn about advancements in Australia, including the release of the Centre’s new ‘Data Pilot Leading Practice Guidance’.
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General news
Dr Russell G Smith is retiring as a Principal Criminologist at the Australian Institute of Criminology in November 2020. Throughout his career, he has been a strong supporter of the counter fraud community. We were lucky enough to ask him some questions about his career and plans for the future.
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General news
Mark Cheeseman from the UK Cabinet Office shares the lessons he learnt from fighting fraud during a global pandemic. He discusses having a structure for a fraud risk assessment, understanding the environment and acting with common purpose, having the fraud conversation and having it with integrity, post event reviews and getting money back, and breaking out of our silos and sharing.
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General news
Between November 2019 and March 2020, the Centre conducted the Fraud Capability Baseline Assessment Project to capture statistics on counter fraud capability across 19 Commonwealth programs and functions. The assessments also helped participants to understand more about their fraud risks and opportunities for capability building.
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