Our Quarterly Issue 4
Welcome from Esther Bogaart

Our fourth newsletter celebrates the end of 2020 - our year of delivery - and what a year it has been.
In 2020 we equipped, enabled and empowered Australian Government entities to strengthen their counter fraud approaches. A big thank you to all of our valued stakeholders – our work was only made possible through effective collaboration with all of you.
In the first half of 2021 we will be focussing on embedding the leading practice that we developed in 2020 across the Australian Government.
We will be running a series of free workshops for Australian Government entities on risk assessments, pressure testing, building a fraud narrative and running data pilots.
Please reach out if you're interested in attending any of these workshops and seminars.
Our quarter 4 achievements and 2021 plan
Find out what we have achieved throughout 2020 and our plan for the first half of 2021. Learn about new tools now available to support your counter fraud activities.
Explore what we achieved last quarter and our plan for 2021.
The Next Frontier - Using Data to Find and Stop Fraud
Discover how the UK Government has rapidly deployed new data pilots to combat fraud against COVID-19 support measures. Learn about advancements in Australia, including the release of our new ‘Data Sharing Pilots Leading Practice Guide'.
Discover how the UK Government has rapidly deployed new data pilots to combat fraud.
Counter Fraud Narrative Workshops
Between January and June 2021 we are running free, tailored counter fraud narrative workshops to help individual Australian Government entities craft their counter fraud narrative. Contact us to organise a workshop for your entity.
Learn more about our Counter Fraud Narrative Workshops.
Fraud Awareness Week: Our Capability Building Series
During International Fraud Awareness Week (15-20 November 2020) we ran five capability building webinars to help Australian Government entities strengthen their counter fraud knowledge and expertise.
Discover our International Fraud Awareness Week webinars.
Contribute to the case studies register!
Our case studies register demonstrates how fraud is committed, investigated and responded to. We are collating a suite of case studies to show the full spectrum of fraud and non-compliance that occurs in and against Australian Government entities, and we need your help!
Specifically we are looking for contributions to the register that show:
- internal fraud
- the various impacts of fraud, including the human, reputational or environment impacts
- instances of internal non-compliance that were dealt with as part of code of conduct or integrity and performance management processes.
We can work with and support you to write and adapt your case studies so they are fit for purpose. Case studies can be brief and anonymised. Contact us for more information.
DESE Fraudster Personas Animations
As part their Fraud Awareness Week initiatives, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) produced a fantastic animation based on three of our Fraudster Personas.
We would like to thank DESE for sharing this animation with the wider counter fraud community.
This is a great example of how an entity can use simple and effective messaging, and build on products found on CounterFraud.gov.au for fraud awareness.
The animation was produced in house in collaboration with DESE's Creative Services team. You can view the animation or download it.