Our Quarterly Issue 3
Welcome from Esther Bogaart

Welcome to the third issue of the Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre's Quarterly.
It has been a pleasure meeting many of you over the last few months.
Last month you may have seen that we sent out a survey to seek your thoughts on the problem of fraud across the Commonwealth, and on the performance of the Centre. Thank you to those who have provided their input already. If you are yet to provide yours and are interested, simply click here to complete the survey now.
I now invite you to explore this edition to read some interesting articles and learn about the Centre's achievements this quarter.
Kind regards,
Esther Bogaart
Our quarter 3 achievements
Find out what we have been busily working on in this last quarter and what new tools are now available to support your counter fraud activities.
This quarter we began to return to business as usual after being part of the COVID-19 Taskforce.
Find out more about what we achieved in quarter 3, 2020.
Fraud Awareness Week
It's that time of year again! Join us from 15 November – 21 November 2020 in raising awareness of fraud and the impacts it has on people, businesses and even the environment.
We are working to finalise our activities during fraud week so watch this space! Let us know ASAP if your entity is planning any externally-facing activities and we can advertise them on CounterFraud.gov.au.
Outcomes from the Fraud Capability Baseline Project
Between November 2019 and March 2020, we conducted the Fraud Capability Baseline Assessment Project to capture statistics on counter fraud capability across 19 Australian Government programs and functions.
The assessments also helped participants to understand more about their fraud risks and opportunities for capability building.
Explore the outcomes from the Fraud Capability Baseline Project.
Mark Cheeseman: Lessons learnt from fighting fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mark Cheeseman from the UK Cabinet Office shares the lessons he learnt from fighting fraud during a global pandemic. He discusses:
- having a structure for a fraud risk assessment
- understanding the environment and acting with common purpose
- having the fraud conversation and having it with integrity
- post event reviews and getting money back
- breaking out of our silos and sharing.
Learn lessons from the UK Cabinet's Office: fighting fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Q&A with Dr Russell G Smith: Retiring Principal Criminologist at the AIC
Dr Russell G Smith is retiring as a Principal Criminologist at the Australian Institute of Criminology in November 2020.
Throughout his career, he has been a strong supporter of the counter fraud community.
We were fortunate enough to ask him some questions about his career and plans for the future.
Access an interview with Dr Russell G Smith.
UK Counter Fraud Journal: Issue 6
The Public Sector Counter Fraud Journal was launched in 2019 by the UK Government's Counter Fraud Profession.
It is intended to enhance awareness of fraud and economic crime, with articles from the public sector and other sectors, with a mixture of practitioner-penned and academic pieces.