Our 2021 quarter 2 achievements

This quarter, we continued to help entities build their counter fraud capability by running workshops, hosting networking events and providing direct support.
We also received a 4 year funding extension that will allow us to continue helping entities to build their counter fraud capability for the foreseeable future.
We conducted a recruitment round to fill 8 positions within the Centre. The new team members are expected to start in August and September.
From April to June 2021, we built the capability of individual officers by running:
- 2 fraud risk assessment executive level workshops
- 2 narrative workshops
- the 2021 Data Analytics Conference
- a pressure testing adoption workshop.
We continued to connect with stakeholders and share our challenges and best practice through:
- the Commonwealth Senior Officers Fraud Forum meeting
- a pressure testing community of practice meeting
- a fraud risk assessment community of practice meeting.
We developed new materials including:
- the Counter Fraud Podcast with IPAA
- 15 new case studies for our case studies register
- a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Inquiry into vaccine fraud and security risks.
We provided support for:
- entities through providing one-on-one advice on how to embed leading practice
- the Department of Health to assess fraud risks in the roll-out of the COVID-19 Vaccine Program
- the US Pandemic Response Accountability Committee to coordinate an International Data Forum on Pandemic Response Oversight.
Author: Sam Eaton